This past weekend, I had the opportunity to make my first visit to my field on Sunday, September 11 around 3:00 pm. I am very thankful for the amazing weather God gave us that made it so special for a first time to simply marvel at his creation. For me, it was a good day to be there in the wake of remembering the tragic events of 10 years ago. The temperature that afternoon was 79ยบ F, and the length of the day was 12 hours 42 minutes. While I was there, I took time to simply listen to my surroundings. I heard birds chirping in the trees, motorcycles and trucks humming on the road several hundred yards away, and the voices of other passers-by. The crickets seemed to be in abundance; I could always hear them clearly. The stream softly babbled as it passed over the rocks, and the breeze gently blew its comfortable, crisp air around me, which reminded me that fall is on its way very soon. I looked around for animals that were visible, but the only ones I saw were some squirrels. I hope to see some different animals next time I go. The leaves on the trees are still very green; I think they may start to change color in the next two weeks or so. Another interesting thing I noticed is that the water level in the stream is quite low. I expect that it will probably go back up once we get some fall thunderstorms.
"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens." Psalm 8:1
Here is a picture from my field. I will have a different picture taken from the same exact spot each time I make a visit to my field. It will be very very cool to see the change in seasons from the same perspective.
Excellent start! Your day length is not correct so fix that, but everything else for this first entry looks good!